Austria: International Federation of Organic Agriculture Manufacturers (IFOAM), Vienna 1989; Front End of Innovation Europe Conference, Vienna 2008; Belgium: Therapeuticum, Antwerp 1974; Volkshogeschool, Antwerp 1979; King Baudouin Foundation, Brussels; Limburgs Universitair Centrum (LUC), Hasselt; Katholieke Hogeschool Limburg (KHLim), Hasselt; Université de Mons-Hainaut, Mons; Université de Louvain-la-Neuve (UCL); Université de Sart-Tilman (ULg); Institutet för Företagsledning (IFL), Brussels; European Environmental Bureau (EEB), Brussels; Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen (UIA); Vlaams Netwerk voor Zakenethiek (VNVZ); Centrum Voor Kwaliteitszorg Kortrijk (CKZ); Kon. Vlaamse Ingenieursvereniging (KVIV), Antwerp; Social Venture Network Europe Conference, Brussels 2001; Quality Safety Environment 2001; Société Royale de Chimie, Brussels 2003; VMA 2005, 2006; Rijksuniversiteit (RUG) Economical Faculty, Gent 2006; Business & Society, Brussels 2007; Ecohuis, Antwerpen 2008; ICHEC Entreprises, Brussels 2009; EXQI Cottage Project, Duffel 2009; Journée d'Etudes Communes Wallonnes, Brussels 2009; Haute Ecole Francisco Ferrer, Brussels 2010; Cleaning Conference, Brussels 2009; Czechia: Bio Summit, Prague 2009; Denmark: BASTA Television Program, Copenhagen 2010; France: Université Européenne de l’Environnement, Paris; GreenPeace Conference, Paris; Biocoop, Bagneux 2004-2005-2006; Press Conferences, Paris 2009 and 2010; TV 5 interview, Boulogne s/mer 2010; Germany: Oil Palm Seminar Robin Wood, Berlin 2002; Bundesgartenmesse, Potsdam 2002; Verleihung des Berliner BUND-Umweltpreises, Berlin 2006; Press Conference, Berlin 2007; Biofach, Nürnberg 2008; Biofach, Nürnberg 2009; Melitta Supplier Council, Minden 2009; Biofach, Nürnberg 1990-2010; Hausfrauenbund, Köln 2010; Indonesia: Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) General Assembly, Jakarta 2010; Italy: Green Chemistry, Cremona 2015; Olivo, Ambiente, Salute e Innovazione (OASI), Bari 2015; Japan: Belgian Economical Missions, Tokyo & Osaka 1993-94; Press Conference, Tokyo 2002; Luxemburg: BOMA workshops, 2010; Malaysia: Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) General Assembly, Kuala Lumpur 2009; Netherlands: Wetenschappelijk Instituut voor Milieumanagement (WIMM), Amsterdam; Landbouwhogeschool, Wageningen; Technische Hogeschool, Delft; European Association for Environmental Management Education (EAEME), Erasmus Universiteit, Rotterdam; Milieuzorg, Dordrecht; Milieuzorg Amsterdam; Stichting Collusie, Amsterdam; Milieuzorg, Nijmegen; Provincie Brabant, Den Bosch; Norway: International Water Conference, Oslo 1997; Innovation Conference, Oslo 2008; Spain: Vida Sana, Madrid 1996; Innovation Conference, Barcelona 2010; Sweden: Stensund Folkshögskola, Trosa; Press Conference, Stockholm; Switzerland: Putzfachtagung, Dornach 2004, 2006, 2008; Thailand: GreenPeace Toxics Campaign Meeting, Bangkok 2005; United Kingdom: Emerson College, Forest Row; Cambridge University, Cambridge; Salford University; Sunderland University; radio interviews on BBC World Service and Radio 4; GreenPeace REACH Conference, London 2003; Sustainability Conference, London 2006; Measuring Green Symposium, York 2007; Engaging in Sustainability Conference, London 2007; Cleaning Conference, London 2008; European Cleaning Journal, London 2010; USA: Business for Social Responsability (BSR) Conference, Boston 1994; Expo West, Anaheim 2004. Publications As Co-Author: • Wegwijs in natuurlijke grondstoffen (A Guide to the Use of Natural Ingredients), Belgium 1990, ISBN 90-800519-1-8 • Duurzaam schoonmaken: het concept van ECOVER (Sustainable Cleaning: Ecover’s Concept), in Duurzaam Milieugebruik, The Netherlands 2003, ISBN 90-6224-451-3 • ECOLOGICA, Consequent ecologisch ondernemen (Consequent Ecological Entrepreneurship), Belgium 2009, ISBN 978-90-209-8626-6 As an Author: • Articles and columns in Global Village News (UK), Green Futures (UK), Seizoenen (B), Biolinéaires (F), CleanTotaal (NL), European Cleaning Journal (UK) Quoted: • In Eco-Innovation by Claude Fussler (Dow Chemicals/World Business Council on Sustainable Development), UK 1996, ISBN 0-273-62-207-2. • In several newspapers and periodics, amongst them cleanTOTAAL (NL), Europe Cleaning Journal (UK), The Guardian (UK) Member or former Member: • The Circle for Sustainable Development, King Baudouin Foundation, Belgium • The Ad-Hoc Working Group of the EU-Ecolabel on Washing and Cleaning Products, Belgium • The Board of GreenPeace Belgium • The Advisory Committee of the BDIH Label, Germany • The Advisory Committee of the Ecogarantie Label, Belgium • The Advisory Board of Ecover, Belgium • The Ecocert Comité Technique pour le Référentiel sur les Détergents, France • The Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia • The Board of the Foundation for Water, Forest Row, UK